Showing 14 Result(s)

Boosting Your Inner Confidence

Depending on who you talk with, you will be given a variety of strategies and new ways of thinking.   They will show you patterns of behavior and practical tips for improving your life and feeling better about your yourself.    None of these really matter if you don’t have the proper foundation.   So what is that …

Top Traits of Successful People

We are measure success differently.   So my measurements may be different than yours.    One of my favorite things to do with people is observe what they are do “right”.  It is easy to get caught up in what others do wrong, but the type of success I want involves finding the good in others.     As …

My Journey to Becoming a Coach: Actually Doing IT!

Fast forward a few years, Aaron and I were in a good place.  While I am skipping forward, those years of healing were a major stepping stone, so they are not unimportant.  It is just the details aren’t necessary to recount.   Over time, they will come out as needed.   I had lost a lot of …

My Journey to Becoming a Coach: Waking up from Tragedy

Last week, we discussed life up to my daddy’s suicide and my husband’s impending deployment.   In the moment, I wondered could life give us any more heartbreak.   I learned that year to never question if life could get any harder or worse, because the answer is yes, it can.    I feel like that questioned tempted …